Excellent good sense. And, as Helen says, enormously encouraging. Thanks Tim.

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I loved this. It was enormously encouraging. And yes - “This is what you do when you write a first draft—you write into your own apparent ignorance.”

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Thanks Helen.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Bare with you... Tim! What an outrageous suggestion. I'm up for it. I'll be waiting on the Inbox Ping that brings notification of the Easting and Northing of the next session of 'Nude Rude Russian Sunbathing & Proud of It' that, if I know anything but, seriously, you're teeing up as i type.

"Simply the best" to piggy back Alexia's great, though thankfully not late but still co-present of this parish, reach back for the lyrics that Tina could pound out as powerfully as USS Arkansas and USS Texas did towards Normandy at and onward from break of dawn on June 6th 1944.

I'm no more, and certainly no less, than a Boot Camp Paid Subscriber but Alexia's so write... Tim you are a fantastic mentor. Thank you.

Looking forward to whatever lands as the latest reconfiguration of Boot Camp rolls out.

A bientot Mes Amis.

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Thank you Rob, much appreciated.

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Tim is a fantastic mentor. His knowledge, insight, critical analysis and unwavering support is, to quote the late great Tina Turner, simply the best. I always looked forward to our meetings and I always left looking forward to the next one. Enlightening and rewarding. So, if you’re considering this approach to furthering your writing skills, don’t hesitate! I warmly recommend. (And Tim didn’t ask me to write this!)

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Thank you Alexia! It was such a pleasure to work with you and your superb novel.

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