Tim - it feels like you will be doing a better thing with your Sunday posts. Your text on what the marketeers say (reproduced below) is reminding me of the current election slogans by all parties, e.g, “clear plan, bold action, secure future”

Sorry to bring the imminent election into these posts but the marketing schtick reminds me of the trite and patronising wording of political messaging. Does anyone really believe this stuff?

Those marketeers say, ‘find your audience and point yourself at it’. If you like macrame, then make sure your Substack is all about macrame and not about macaroons or Mandarin. Otherwise, it will confuse the reader and splinter your market base. Aim squarely at the target.

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Mixing it up and not focusing on your target audience…? How very dare you! Very looking forward to Sunday communion.

You did mention a 12 week summer writing school. Is that still in the pipeline? Or perhaps further into autumn would be better for people?

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No summer school this year, but there will be a writers' retreat on Oct 25. Full announcement coming soon!

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Rob, I write creative nonfiction. In one of our workshop sessions, Tim suggested a better ending for my piece, which would be possible in fiction, but not in CNF. I am bound by the facts (although not how I present them--that's the creative part.) I get a lot out of reading about writing fiction but that's all I meant about alignment--CNF vs. fiction.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

UPDATE Restless Writer Revamps Writing Substack STOP Revised Boot Camp Schedule Ready STOP Release & Relaunch Date Confirmed: Sunday Post Reconfigured @ Last Sunday in June ENDS


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Tim, I’m interested in your Sunday posts. As I’m not a fiction writer, our writing interests don’t perfectly align, but taking a bigger picture look at what makes us human and therefore translates into all writing is a fruitful direction.

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Writing interests and perfect alignment? Interesting juxtaposition Christine.

Suggestion: next time (future) you finish writing a piece why not compare it with a recently (present) written piece and with one your completed (past) some time back?

Reflection: How will the three pieces align? As neatly as a nesting of Russian Matrioshka Dolls or of Christmases Past, Present & Future in Dickens' Carol? Or somewhat less coherently configured than projected?

Question: if not a fiction writer then, if I may ask, under what label(s) do you sense your writing fits snuggest?

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Thank you for the encouragement Christine

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