Hmm….as a veteran, serial monogamist, (3 marriages, two divorces) I find this an interesting subject and could write volumes on the subject myself! And, indeed, I have touched on it in my own fiction. Just as some people say that boring people have neat, tidy homes, I’m inclined to think that boring people have marriages that are 100% happy—-as opposed to interesting marriages with some common ground but with many differences that it can be stimulating to explore. For me, now, as I grow old, I dread the thought of being left on my own, I’ve been with current OH since 1985, and we must cling together through the wreckage of ageing, giving mutual support, having spent decades building something that in some ways didn’t come easily at all.

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May 17Liked by Tim Lott

For some the enduring attraction is towards a free spirit- one willing to accept and share the anxieties of transformational change.

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Happy families make me nervous. I’m always waiting/expecting someone to explode with ‘oh for fucks sake’ or worse.

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